Look Up Mississippi, A Photo Memoir – New Book Released!
See Mississippi as you’ve never envisioned it in My Backyard Garden, Look Up Mississippi, A Photo Memoir
The new Mississippi State, “In God, We Trust” Magnolia Flag now flies high! This new Mississippi State flag design represents the hope of a better future for the State of Mississippi and the world. The new flag was signed into law on January 11, 2021. Thank you and kudos to the Commission to Redesign the Mississippi State flag. With gratitude, I recognize the efforts of the Commission along with many other people for getting the new Mississippi State flag designed and signed into law. I’m sure it was no small undertaking.
The state’s commitment and persistence inspired me to memorialize this historic event and share some of my landscape photos, reflections, and a humble poetic commentary in My Backyard Garden, Look Up Mississippi, a photo memoir.
Debra Hester, Author
This is my second book in the My Backyard Garden book series.
Look Up Mississippi, A Photo Memoir spotlights Mississippi’s natural beauty. The book includes 42 breathtaking landscape photos of the Mississippi Delta and surrounding areas. I captured the photos randomly over the course of about five years. Capturing these photos is proof that everything has its purpose. They became their purpose because I photographed them with no intention of sharing them this way.
When I realized my photo collection could commemorate the new Mississippi State flag, the design was key. I wanted to design something for people of all ages to enjoy. Nature and unity can inspire us regardless of age or person. I realized the double-page spread layout of the photos gave creative awe to each photo.
Look Up Mississippi, A Photo Memoir makes for a great coffee table book and conversation starter. So, I wanted to prompt conversation and the reflection process by giving each photo a creative title that spoke to me during the layout and design process. I hope the titles of the photos inspire positive reflection, memories, and conversation for you and yours for generations to come. My Backyard Garden series is all about encouraging reflection, resilience, peace, and unity.
Insights into why the title, Look Up
I felt that our land offers us healing and opportunities to reflect, look out and look up. The poem “Way In The Middle of the Air” came to mind based on the spiritual “Ezekiel Saw the Wheel, Way Up in the Middle of the Air.” My verse predicts hope for a new future for Mississippi and the world. So many significant events occurred in 2020. This event didn’t take the main stage despite the amount of effort it took to make the new state flag a reality. However, I believe that one day, we will look back and see how impactful this quiet event was in the winds of change.”
Look Up Mississippi, A Photo Memoir is a documented reminder to us all that this God-given beauty binds us together. And we must embrace this blessing and look for opportunities to experience peace and unity.
Debra Hester, Author
See these beautiful photos wherever you go with the Digital versions of Look Up Mississippi, A Photo Memoir Beautiful Cofee Table Book – Front or Back