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The survey collects your perceptions of how the loss of a loved one affects people at work. The goal of collecting this data is to help provide better support to employees who are grieving.

2020 Book of the Year Award Goes to...



My Backyard Garden, A Memoir of How Love Conquers Grief

We’re excited about another first!  Two awards from the Human Relations Indie Book Awards.

♦Director’s Choice 2020 Book of THE Year  and

♦Gold Winner for Motivational Memoir

2021! Book 2 Released: Look Up Mississippi... In 2024! "Find the Rainbow" photograph invited to The View art exhibition in New York!



Find the Rainbow is located on page 73 of my photo memoir and poem. Here’s the link: My Backyard Garden, Look Up Mississippi!

Look Up Mississippi, A Photo Memoir commemorates the new Mississippi State flag!

See Mississippi like you’ve never envisioned it.

42 beautiful landscape photos from the author’s private collection with inspirational titles that will spark positive reflection.

“Way In the Middle of the Air” poem, reflective meditation and commentary about hopes for a future of unity for Mississippi and the world.

Release Date is January 28, 2021.  Digital pre-order now and Print copies available on Amazon.  Digital also available on Apple Books

A GIFT to those struggling with Grief and Loss

“…and the greatest of these is love.”  #empathyforgrief  #empathyforgriefandloss

2025! Latest Book Release: Sage Can Never Age (Spirit-filled poems, rhymes and visuals)

“Come for another garden visit.”

The third book in the My Backyard Garden series, Sage Can Never Age, is a collection of over 50 spirit-filled poems, rhymes with visuals by social entrepreneur and poet Debra Hester.
Much like the perennial sage, these poems create an endearing connection with the reader, making them experience, imagine, and gain understanding. 
Let Debra’s poems and visuals impart healing properties that provide lasting moments of reflection, insights, and relief, fostering a sense of community as we all grow and evolve at every age and life stage.

Coming Soon! Debra's 1st Children's Book about Grief and Loss

Get email updates by subscribing to Mother’s Backyard Buzz now!

Compassionate Conversations About Grief and Loss

Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 am.  Explore how love conquers grief and loss of a loved one or a lifestyle.

What you will experience on my backyard garden journey.


Yes, a garden. One planted and harvested by me and my loved one…in this case, my mother. For you, it may not be a parent. It may be that one person in your life who came, planted, tended the garden with you, shared and admired the harvest you created together, but had to leave this realm before you.

Chapter 1

A Change of Planes

I guess my face said something to her beyond what my words could express because she patted me on the back and said, “It will be OK.”

Chapter 4


It is a gift I want to share with you.  It is a blessing because as we were buried in prognosis, we received the gift of prognostication. Until now, I’ve never used this term “prognostication.” I didn’t even know it existed.  The word is just another gift from God to me that I gratefully gift to you as a part of this journey.

Chapter 6

There Was An Evening

I remember now that the CD had one of my favorite songs by him: “What A Wonderful World.” Over a year later, I pulled the song up on YouTube and listened to the lyrics and realized that Louis too had captured a glimpse of that backyard garden.  He and his song were planted along our journey.

Chapter 7


Guidance in grief is available.  With our hearts heavy, we move through this season with blind passion.  A passion to make our loved one’s final physical presence here on earth memorable, inspirational, even celebratory.  For me and the family, it was no different. We decorated the trees in the backyard garden.  This time for you, Mother.

Chapter 8


She has moved on and left me here with our backyard garden memories. Past memories of when we shared the same spaces and now memories we will create in places unknown.  How our garden will grow requires different planning now.

Read Anywhere






My Backyard Garden, A Memoir 2020 Book of the Year

Director’s Choice for Grief Awareness 2020 Book of the Year


2020 Gold Winner for Motivational Memoir

Member of 

Member of Women We Admire

Mary Debra Hester-Clifton awarded Women We Admire in Arkansas 2024 #womenweadmire

Member of SHRM – Society for Human Resource Management

Member of International Association of Women


By Emma Sophia


Graphic Novel

Integer porta bibendum magna vulputate cursus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In eu interdum nisi. Integer porta bibendum magna vulputate cursus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et

Best Selling Author

Emma Sophia

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Divi Builder

Varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes. Varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.


Varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes. Varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.


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– Divi Digest

Coming Soon!

Available Aug 16, 2018

Say, Cheese


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My Writing Blog

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Look Up Mississippi, A Photo Memoir

Look Up Mississippi, A Photo Memoir

Human Relations Award-Winning Author Debra Hester’s photo memoir, Look Up Mississippi inspired by the new Mississippi State Flag and the state’s natural beauty. 42 inspirational photos with commentary and a poem show gratitude for all the effort made and the hope to move forward towards unity and peace.

I Am Closed – Part 2 #empathyforgrief podcast

I Am Closed – Part 2 #empathyforgrief podcast

Let’s finish with Part 2 of “I Am Closed” episode 18 #empathyforgrief – Break the Silent Struggle With Grief and Loss podcast with former Michigan Wolverine Touchdown Billy Taylor. Currently, a successful businessman and radio host. He wrote “Get Back Up, the Billy Taylor Story and through his non-profit business, he helps others get back up when they fall down.